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1)  Fastidious = adjustable
2)  Shallow = wide
3)  Explicit = ambiguous
4)  Immune = vulnerable
5)  Bleak = bright
6)  Veneration = disrespect
7)  Insolent = humble
8)  Urban = rural
9)  Incredible = believable
10)              Concur = disagree
11)              Quiet = pandemonium
12)              Vague = clear
13)              Inevitable = avoidable
14)              Humility = pride
15)              Rapidly = slowly
16)              Extol = censure
17)              Make = break
18)              Terminate =  begin
19)              Successor = predecessor
20)              Demolish = build
21)              Genial = unkind
22)              Prevent = induce
23)              Plausible = unbelievable
24)              Frailty = strength
25)              Flare = inability
26)              Collapse = rise
27)              Dormant = active
28)              Anxious = carefree
29)              Hazy = clear
30)              Thrifty =  wasteful
31)              Fantastic = ordinary
32)              Innovate = copy
33)              Asceticism = luxury
34)              Enduring = fleeting
35)              Dissolution = establishment
36)              Progressive = retrogressive
37)              Unnerved = confident
38)              Vague = precise
39)              Harmony = disagreement
40)              Purposely = unintentionally
41)              Guilty =  innocent
42)              Brave = timid
43)              Duplicity = honesty
44)              Opaque = transparent
45)              Jocular = morose
46)              Hinder = encourage
47)              Uncompromising = flexible
48)              Zeal = apathy
49)              Desecration = consecration
50)              Shimmering = gloomy



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