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1.Irrevocable  =  Unalterable
2.Adorn   =   beautify
3.Repose    =  Rest
4.Commotion =  Disturbance
5.Nurture  = To grow
6.Deny  =  Refuse
7.Abuse  = Scorn
8.Docile  = Submissive
9.Considerate = Thoughtful
10.          Irresolute = undecided
11.          Frugal  = Miserly
12.          Motive =  Intention
13.          Pity =  Mercy
14.          Quash = Reject
15.          Restrict = Prohibit
16.          Anticipate = Expect
17.          Tremendous = Excessive
18.          Meticulous = painstaking
19.          Abundant = plentiful
20.          Acquaint = introduce
21.          Change = alter
22.          Surreptitiously = secretly
23.          Forebode = foretell
24.          Genuine = real
25.          Adverse = negative
26.          Elastic = flexible
27.          Vacillate = waver
28.          Impeccable = faultless
29.          Impediment = obstruction
30.          Advance = progress
31.          Prognosis = forecast
32.          Poach = hunt
33.          Exhort = urge
34.          Lurid = shocking
35.          Familiar = well-known
36.          Dessert = sweet-dish
37.          Affiliate = associate
38.          Explicit = clear
39.          Diligent = industrious
40.          Infuriate = enrage
41.          Prospective = possible
42.          Lousy = awful
43.          Accentuated = accent
44.          Paucity = shortfall
45.          Avert = avoid
46.          Pensive = thoughtful
47.          Cordial = friendly
48.          Provisional = temporary
49.          Horrendous = greatly unpleasant
50.          Authentic = genuine
51.          Rectify = correct
52.          Warranty = guarantee
53.          Knave = scoundrel
54.          Prodigal = wasteful
55.          Impost = tax
56.          Coarse = rough
57.          Forego = renounce
58.          Recipients = receivers
59.          Frontier = boundary
60.          Rout = defeat
61.          Felicity = bliss
62.          Judicious = sensible
63.          Transpired = happened
64.          Obstinate = unyielding
65.          Sundry = various
66.          Menial = lowly
67.          Impetus = accelerated growth
68.          Emulate = follow
69.          Boast =brag
70.          Mass murder = genocide
71.          Maiden speech = first speech
72.          Interfere = meddle
73.          Tedious = dull
74.          Magnificent = splendid
75.          Spirited = enthusiastic
76.          Gloomy = morose
77.          Grumble = to complain
78.          Crude = unrefined
79.          Hostile = antagonistic
80.          Friendly = amiable
81.          Veil = conceal
82.          Peculiar = strange
83.          Prosper = thrive
84.          Eminent = illustrious
85.          Fortitude = courage
86.          Sanitise = disinfect
87.          Favourite = preferred
88.          Novice = beginner
89.          Adversary = opponent
90.          Dishonor = infamy
91.          Erudite = scholarly
92.          Idea = notion
93.          Takes after = resembles
94.          Homage = tribute
95.          Clue = hint
96.          Amazement = surprise
97.          Consistency = surprise
98.          Refrain = desist
99.          Merited = deserved
100.  Barren = unproductive
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